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Veteran Exemptions

$5000 Service Connected Disability Exemption

Any ex-service member who is a permanent resident of Florida and is disabled at least 10% in war or by service-connected misfortune is entitled to a $5,000 exemption. Applicant must submit a letter from the Veterans Administration stating the percentage of service connected disability (10% or more) along with an application, by March 1 of the year you wish the exemption to begin.

Under certain circumstances the benefit of this exemption can carry over to the veteran's spouse in the event of the veteran's death. Applicant must be a spouse of the deceased service-connected disabled veteran.You must submit a letter from the Veterans Administration stating the percentage of the service connected disability (10% or more) of the deceased spouse along with a copy of your marriage license and spouse's death certificate.

Click here for the Application> pdf

Combat Related Disability Exemption

Veterans who qualify may receive a percentage discount on homestead property taxes equal to the percentage of the veteran's permanent service connected disability as determined by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. The following criteria must be met with documented proof:

  • Have an honorable discharge from the military service
  • Be at least 65 years old
  • Be partially disabled with a permanent service-connected disability. All or a portion of such disability must be combat related.

When you submit your application, please provide our office with a copy of your DD214, proof of age, copy of rating letter from the Veteran's Administration, along with evidence of the combat related disability.

Application must be submitted by March 1 of the year you wish the exemption to begin.

Click here for the Application pdf

Service-Connected Total and Permanent Disability Exemption

Any honorably discharged veteran with a service-connected total and permanent disability, surviving spouses of qualifying veterans and spouses of veterans who died from service-connected causes while on active duty as a member of the United States Armed Forces are entitled to an exemption on real estate used and owned as a homestead less any portion used for commercial purposes.

To be eligible for this exemption, the applicant must own, occupy and have been a permanent resident of this state as of January 1st of the tax year for which the exemption is being claimed.

If filing for the first time, the applicant must provide a letter from the United States Government or United States Department of Veterans Affairs as proof of service-connected total and permanent disability or the death of the spouse while on active duty.

Please note - Under certain circumstances, the benefit of the exemption may carry over to the veteran's spouse in the event of the veteran's death. Please contact our office for additional information, at 386-736-5901.

Click here for the Application pdf

Deployed Service Member Property Tax Exemption

A member or former member of any branch of the United States military or military reserves, the United States Coast Guard or its reserves, or the Florida National Guard may receive an exemption if he or she:

  1. Qualify for homestead exemption in current year;
  2. Was deployed during the previous calendar year on active duty outside the continental United States, Alaska, or Hawaii in support of any of the following military operations listed here.
  3. Submits an application, Form DR-501M, to our office, with a copy of the deployment orders listing the deployment dates from the previous calendar year. If the service member is unable to file, the application may be filed by the service members's spouse, person holding power of attorney or a personal representative of the service member's estate.

The percent of the taxable value that is exempt for the current year is determined by the percent of time during the last year when the service member was deployed on a designated operation. As an example, if the service member was deployed in support of one of the above operations for six months, the exemption would be 50% of the home's taxable value.

This exemption does not renew automatically every year. Deployed service members are required to apply each year by June 1, as the number of days deployed on the prior year will vary.

Click here for the Application pdf

Fallen Hero Exemption

Any surviving spouse of a veteran who died from a service-connected causes while on active duty as a member of the United States Armed Forces and for whom a letter from the United States Government or United States Department of Veterans Affairs or its predecessor has been issued certifying that the veteran who died from service-connected causes while on active duty is exempt from taxation if the veteran was a permanent resident of this state on January 1 of the year in which the veteran died.

Click here for the Application pdf