Larry Bartlett, JD, CFA

Larry Bartlett has lived in the Ormond Beach area since 1970. He played football for Seabreeze High School and graduated in 1972. He went on to obtain his B.A. and law degree from the University of Florida and remains a devoted fan of the Fighting Gators.
Mr. Bartlett has practiced real estate law in Volusia County for 36 years, and was elected Property Appraiser for Volusia County on November 8, 2016. Mr. Bartlett earned the designation Certified Florida Appraiser from the Department of Revenue and was elected President of the statewide Florida Association of Property Appraisers in 2018.
Mr. Bartlett is married to fellow attorney, Kathy Crotty. They live in Ormond Beach, have two daughters and three grandchildren.
Larry Bartlett
Volusia County Property Appraiser
Mission Statement
The primary mission of the Volusia County Property Appraiser is to fairly and equitably discover, list, and value all real and tangible personal property in Volusia County for the purpose of creating the annual ad valorem tax roll in accordance with applicable Florida Statutes and Florida Department of Revenue Substantive Regulations.
Our secondary mission involves assisting our public (citizens, cities, independent taxing authorities and county government) in accessing and utilizing the tremendous real estate/economic database, maps, and other associated information which we continuously maintain and update.